World peace - How being happy could achieve it

Today I want to speak about happiness and freedom, and how we can create world peace through it. 

I feel we all deserve freedom. People need to stop focusing on money and start thinking more about happiness so that the world goes round in a happier less stressful way instead of creating this world of money hungry humans who put money before their own lives. These times I see people working so hard in a dead end job that they hate, and wasting their lives away when they could be out there enjoying the things that really matter. But all people do is make excuses like "but I need the money" or " I need to look after my family". Yes, people do need to do these things but shouldn't they do it in a different way? A way that makes them happy. No one really fights for what they want anymore. So many people give up and just settle with what they have, even if it doesn't give them happiness. Cmon guys. Sort yourselves out and think about you! You should all be happy and lift others to make them happy. Its such an important thing, but everyone overlooks it because they are money hungry or lack the motivation to get what they want. But guess what people. YOU own your life. No one else but you. So make the most of it guys.

If everyone is happy in the world and there are good vibes then guess what guys. We will all be living in harmony and this will contribute to achieving the end goal. World peace! 

Have a good day guys. I hope I inspired you to do whatever it is you need to do to be happy. 


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